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Chilvers Coton Community School and Nursery

Inspiring Excellence Everyday


  • Well done Year 2!

    Mon 03 Jun 2019

    A huge well done to our Year 2's who worked really hard during their SATS week before half term. The ...

  • Nursery Inclusion Award

    Mon 13 May 2019

    Well done to Nursery who have gained a special award from Warwickshire for Inclusion and commitment to supporting the learning ...

  • New dinner menu

    Mon 29 Apr 2019

    Please see our new dinner menus for this term under the tab parents- dinner menus; they look delicious! Remember that ...

  • Information for parents about end of Key Stage 1 tests

    Thu 25 Apr 2019

    The Department for Education have released a new information booklet for parents about the statutory tests at the end of ...

  • And the winner is...!

    Fri 22 Mar 2019

    It was a closely fought competition but in the end it was Ash class who won the pizza party with ...

  • Golden Attendance Week!

    Mon 18 Mar 2019

    This week is Golden Attendance Week in school; we have a variety of prizes and rewards for good attendance including ...

  • Comic Relief

    Fri 15 Mar 2019

    On Friday 15th March, we will be having a non-uniform day and a cake sale in the hall from 8.45-9.05am ...

  • Reading rocks week!

    Mon 04 Mar 2019

    This week we will be celebrating all things reading with visits to the local library, sharing stories with younger and ...


    Sun 10 Feb 2019

    We are having a BRAND NEW SCHOOL WEBSITE!    Please bear with us whilst our new website is launched with lots of ...

  • Golden Attendance Week

    Wed 10 Oct 2018

    The week beginning 15th October 2018 will be our 'Golden Attendance Week'. Children can win prizes for being in school ...

Parent Information

We are here to support families in any way possible, so if you do need support please speak to your child's class teacher. Our pastoral team are always available if you need any support or advice

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