Our behaviour principles
These are a set of principles for our school and Nursery. Our staff and governors know that high standards of behaviour and a calm, orderly environment lie at the heart of a successful school and ensures that all our children can learn and achieve.
Our principles;
- All children, staff and visitors have a right to feel safe, valued and respected. We are an inclusive school where everyone is free from discrimination, harassment or victimisation of any sort
- Staff, students and volunteers set an excellent example to pupils at all times
- Our behaviour and relationships policy is shared and understood by all staff
- Our three rules are simple, explored with our children and applied consistently across our school
- All children deserve the right to build a positive relationship with at least one adult within the school
- All children have the right to learn, free from disruption to their learning
- Children are helped to take responsibility for their actions and the impact they have through restorative justice conversations
- Exclusions will only be used as an absolute last resort, and there is an exclusions policy in place to clearly outline the exclusion process
- We will work in partnership with parents/carers to promote positive behaviours and will seek the support from outside agencies where needed
- High expectations for positive behaviours and attitudes towards learning provide the foundations for our children to become resilient, confident and capable learners