- Harvest Festival food bank collection 3rd October 2024
- 10/9/18 13th September 2018
-to make every child a reader by 7
-to ignite a sense of curiosity and a love of learning in all of our school community
-to provide children with first hand experiences to develop their vocabulary and sense of awe and wonder
-to give children a toolkit of vocabulary to ensure they leave our school eloquent and confident speakers
-to prepare children for the next stage of their lives
At Chilvers Coton School, we always take into account children's prior learning and experiences and build on this to ensure children have a rich, wide and varied knowledge of the world around them. Parental involvement and engagement is one of our key priorities as we know parents are key educators in children's lives.
We ensure that learning is relevant, exciting and ambitious and that our curriculum extends children's knowledge, skills and understanding to deepen their thinking and instil a sense of mastery in all areas of learning.
Vocabulary development and talk underpin all areas of our curriculum as we believe the ability to speak confidently about different subjects opens doors to higher levels of learning and thinking. All curriculum subjects are given equal weighting and are all as important as each other. We put a particularly high value on children's learning and experiences in Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and their Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development.
Children develop a good understanding of our core values which enable them to become well rounded citizens prepared for life in modern Britain.
Our school curriculum is delivered through half termly themes which begin with an immersion day, offering first hand experiences and a knowledge harvest to ascertain what children already know about a theme and any questions they may wish to explore in a theme. All of our themes are presented as learning questions so that teachers can assess at the end of a theme if children can answer the question based on the knowledge they have gained during the theme.
The themes are always based around cross curricular subjects and always have an end of theme outcome such as a 'television broadcast' or an exhibition for parents. Writing will always form a large part of the theme and either geography, history, art or science will be the main theme drivers.
Parents and carers will always be informed of the key learning during a theme through half termly learning newsletters. These will inform parents of key vocabulary, key texts and skills/knowledge so that our families can support children's learning at home.
We will measure the impact of the curriculum in a variety of ways; ongoing teacher assessments will take place half termly, which will be recorded on our school assessment system. End of year and end of Key Stage assessments will also be completed to indicate which children are working at emerging, expected or exceeding levels against their age related expectations. Teachers will then use this information to identify next steps in individual pupils' learning journeys to ensure all pupils reach their full individual potential (and then a little bit more!)
Pupil voice will be a large part of measuring our curriculum impact and regular pupil interviews, pupil book looks and school council learning walks will inform our Senior Leadership Team and Governing Body where we need to keep developing our curriculum and where we're doing really well!
If you have any questions about our curriculum, please contact our Headteacher, Sian Mabberley on 024 76 387001 or via our school office on
At Chilvers Coton School, we know that reading is the most important thing that we learn. Reading underpins everything we do in our curriculum and we take as many opportunities to read as possible! We teach systematic phonics through the Read Write Inc scheme. For more information about the Read Write Inc programme, please watch the videos below.