- Harvest Festival food bank collection 3rd October 2024
- 10/9/18 13th September 2018
Children from Reception to Year 2 are eligible for a free school lunch everyday; saving families a lot of money and time! Our meals are all cooked on site and are nutritionally balanced. There are four choices every day; a hot meat choice, a hot vegetarian choice, jacket potatoes with a choice of fillings and a sandwich with a choice of filling (known as a deli bag).
Vegan and adapted choices are available on request.
Please let us know of any allergies/food options for your child as soon as they start our school as this will help to ensure children's health and safety. As we have both children and staff with nut allergies, we are a nut free school so please refrain from sending in any nut based product (including peanut butter on sandwiches).
Children are welcome to bring their own packed lunch if you prefer. Please do not include fizzy drinks or sweets and try to keep the packed lunch as healthy as possible.