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Religious Education Curriculum at Chilvers Coton
Chilver’s Coton Community and Infant School is a diverse community welcoming people from all over the world. Over 20 languages are spoken from a variety of cultures which are represented in our school.
Our intention at Chilver’s is to equip pupils with the knowledge and understanding to engage with a range of worldviews, both religious and non-religious, to enable them to live together and share together in each other’s beliefs, cultures, and celebrations around the world.
At Chilver’s we follow the Warwickshire Agreed Syllabus.
R.E. is taught through discreet R.E. lessons. Through units focused on Believing, Expressing and Living, pupils develop skills of learning about worldviews through the lenses of theology, philosophy and human and social sciences. Learning experiences are enhanced by pupil visits to different local places of worship, visitors into school and looking at special artefacts. Teachers plan opportunities to enhance learning through key educational principles such as retrieval practice to ensure key information is embedded in children’s long-term memory.
Our children develop knowledge and understanding of different religions and worldviews. This adds to their religious literacy as they move through the RE curriculum. Children gain knowledge of different faiths and non-religious worldviews, with the skills needed to ask questions and express their own ideas and opinions whilst appreciating that others may have different opinions. They develop a wider understanding of the world around them and the global society they live in, they also develop a tolerance and an appreciation of diversity. Children will also have developed a robust knowledge of the appropriate vocabulary they need to talk meaningfully about the different faiths and their values.